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Apply Trademark Application Chandigarh- Register Your Logo Online

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Apply Trademark Application Chandigarh- Register Your Logo Online

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A logo represents the identity of your company. If you have created a unique logo for your brand, you can trademark it to ensure protection. But, how will you apply trademark application Chandigarh? You can rely on trademark consultants to make your application successful. We will talk about the way to trademark a logo.

Trademark registration prevents infringement and theft of your intellectual property. You can also use the trademark for your business name or a symbol that represents your brand. As you have invested money and time into developing the logo, it is important to secure it.

What you cannot trademark

There are different laws regarding what you can or cannot trademark. However, you can hear some myths that a descriptive or generic term can be chosen as the trademark. For instance, you should not choose the apple fruit symbol as your logo because the tech giant (Apple) has already used it.

How will you apply for logo registration?

Logo filing trademark application involves some steps. But the first thing to be considered is how you want to send your logo registration application. It is better to apply for logo registration online. You may also do it in multiple countries. If you have a global business registered in a particular country, you cannot prevent infringement in other countries where your trademark rights are not applicable.

•Search for trademarks

Hiring consultants is the best decision to make your trademark search process easier. They will check the database and determine whether other brands’ logos contain similar graphics and words.

The trademark registration process will be complicated if a similar or similar brand name or logo exists. As trademark agents are experienced and trained professionals, it is easier to analyze the database. You can also involve a trademark lawyer to avoid issues during registration.

•Send an application for logo registration

You can make a logo filing trademark application after conducting the search. You have to file the application in the chosen jurisdiction. If you want to apply for trademark registration in particular jurisdictions, you should file the online forms accordingly and pay the fees.

Details you have to submit for this application are-

• The applicant’s identity
• The trademark’s description
• Description of your services and products

Although it seems to be easy to fill out the forms, it is essential to have the guidance of a professional trademark agent. The expert has knowledge and experience in describing your services or goods properly. With comprehensive guidance, you can avoid legal issues during registration. Professionals will also help you respond to office actions.

The trademark registry will analyze your application for logo registration. It will also conduct a thorough search for similar marks that cause confusion. In some cases, legal arguments arise while going through the process.

Based on the jurisdiction, it can take a couple of months to accomplish the process. Third parties have the opportunity to oppose your logo registration application. It is because they think that your chosen logo is close to their trademarks.

With the approval of your application, you will receive a certificate on the registered trademark. It means you will find your logo with the ® symbol. Until you have registered the trademark, you can use ™ but not ®.

Why should you trademark your brand logo?

Logo registration for a trademark provides you with several benefits.

• Priority

You can give priority to the usage of the logo if you have trademarked it. Without registration, you will be able to use the logo only in your geographical region. If you have successfully registered your logo, you can prevent other companies from using your logo.

• Lawsuit

As the logo has been registered in Chandigarh, you have the legal right to sue others who have tried to use your brand logo without your consent. You will also win the lawsuit if you have a registered logo. You can bring allegations against those who have improperly used your trademarked logo.

• Money

If you need to file a lawsuit for trademark infringement, you will be able to claim the money as compensation.

• Import foreign products

A registered logo prevents other companies from importing foreign items that have a similar logo.

• Foreign Registration

After trademarking your logo in India, you may also do the same in other nations. So you can expand your business to international markets.

How is a trademark different from a copyright?

Although both are the same, they have a difference. Copyright refers to creative projects like audio, literature, and films. On the other hand, a trademark represents icons, documents, and other materials. But, you can consider the logo as both copyright and trademark.

So, hire a team of consultants and apply trademark application in Chandigarh. The registration process will get simplified with professional guidance.

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