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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Trademarkagentservices is a trademark registration firm that has helped several businesses to go through the registration process and obtain a certificate. Before using this website, you should agree to our terms and conditions. We like to ensure that our website visitors and clients comply with relevant laws and regulations. So, you have a responsibility to read the Terms of Use thoroughly. Make sure that your age is at least 18 years to use our website legally.

Terms & Conditions regarding the use of our site

You should not display, host, modify, upload, publish, share, or transmit any information that belongs to a different person. 

You have no right to do something or post content, which is harassing, blasphemous, obscene, defamatory, and harmful to others. Your activities on the website should not interfere with other users’ privacy. Moreover, you must not make a comment, which is misleading, ethnically objectionable, hateful, disparaging, and unlawful in some ways.

You should also avoid from the following activities.

  • Harassing another person through our platform
  • Involving the delivery of junk mail and unsolicited mass mailing
  • Promoting illegal activities 
  • Conducting a threatening and abusive action
  • Violating the legal rights of third parties
  • Providing materials that contain some violent and sexual content
  • Providing instruction on illegal activities (such as buying and making illegal weapons.
  • Gaining unauthorized access to others’ profiles or communities. 
  • Engaging in commercial activities or sales without having our written consent.
  • Soliciting gambling and engaging in gambling activities
  • Interfering with the enjoyment of others’ website usage.
  • Threatening the integrity, unity, defense, and security 
  • Integrating or deploying software, files, and programs that contain viruses and limit the functionality of other computer resources
  • Deceiving the users about the origin of your messages
  • Communicating information that is quite offensive
  • Infringing any trademark and patent
  • Impersonating another person

So, you should remember these things before using our website.

Other policies regarding the usage of our site

You have to comply with the applicable laws and provisions related to information technology. The laws are amended periodically, and thus, you should be aware of the 

  • International laws
  • VAT
  • Foreign Exchange laws
  • Income laws

You must not engage in a transaction in prohibited services and items. Make sure that you have not violated any legal rules. We also take every step to avoid interfering with your rights. However, you should grant us irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, and royalty-free rights to exercise the copyright.

 We are not obligated but have the right to review materials published on our site. Our firm has the legal right to edit and remove any content that breaks the applicable law and violates the Terms & Conditions. Nevertheless, you will be responsible for the website content and materials posted on our platform.

In no event will we assume or show our liability for the post or any damages, claims/losses caused by that content. So, you have to warrant and represent that you have the right to access the content. You should not infringe the proprietary rights of any individual. The content must not have any unlawful or libelous information. 

There is always a risk of other users (like hackers and unauthorized persons) posting and transmitting obscene and offensive website materials. It may also happen that you become the victim of such activities. Generally, we never approve of unauthorized usage of our site. Still, you should acknowledge that we will not be liable for using and controlling your personal data. You can publicly share and disclose data to other website users.

Restriction, copyright, and trademark

The website is operated and controlled by Trademarkagentservices. Materials on the website, including illustrations, images, video clips, and audio clips, are safeguarded by trademarks, copyrights, and other IP rights. Our website content and materials are solely for non-commercial and personal use.

You should not reproduce, copy, republish, transmit, post, and distribute materials in some ways (through electronic means and by email), indirectly or directly. You must not also assist other individuals in doing so.

Besides, you must not use and modify any material on our website without the writing of the owner. You can use these materials without violating proprietary rights and copyright law. 

Accessing data and reports

We never permit access to our firm profiles and related data. You should not bulk download the PDFs of these files for unreasonable use. We have the right to restrict access to some parts of our site. We can also cancel your website registration if you have violated our terms and conditions. We may suspend, discontinue, and terminate any aspect of our site and services at any time without sending you prior notice. Thus, make sure that for lawful purposes.

Electronic communication

Whenever you visit our website for services and deliver emails to our team, you interact with us through electronic mode. So, it signifies that you will also receive information from our team electronically. You can also tell us about the preferred mode of communication. You have to acknowledge that the agreements, disclosures, and other details provided by us fulfil legal requirements.

Your liability for services and other costs

You are liable for maintaining the internet connectivity and hardware through which you access our site. You should also be responsible for the costs incurred for availing our site. We will give you the estimate before providing services. So, you can discuss it with our team to avoid any confusion in the future.

Dispute resolution

It is to be noted that the legal authority in our jurisdiction will resolve issues and disputes related to the interpretation, formation, and performance of our Terms and Condition. Parties involved in the issues should acknowledge that the content of the Section would survive even if we have terminated our Policy/Terms.

For any dispute, refund, and claim, the Parties have to find a resolution amicably and ensure mutual satisfaction. In case of failure to resolve disputes by mediation, we will look for legal help.

So, these are some Terms & Conditions set by our firm. You must read them before using our website.


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JSR Marketing Solutions

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)