Trademark expiry

Trademark Renewal: Elevate with Expert Consultants!

A trademark of a business is perpetual, but a registered trademark is valid just for 10 years. So, what will you do when your trademark gets expired? Check your trademark expiry date and connect with our professionals. We will help you renew your trademark, and you can secure it for another 10 years. The Registrar will renew the trademark from its database if you do not renew the trademark.

We know every detail of the trademark renewal process and give you the best guidance. You will save time and avoid complications related to the renewal of trademark after expiry.

How do our professionals help you renew your trademark?

We will let you go through a process if you have approached us 6 months before the trademark expiry date.


After we have received your request for renewal of trademark after expiry, our representatives will contact you to learn about your requirements. We will then give you an idea about the trademark renewal process.

Documentation process

After the initial consultation, you will need to provide us with essential details related to the registered trademark. Our qualified trademark agents will prepare the documents needed to file the renewal application process. As it is a renewal process, you need to submit the registration certificate, your address proof, government-issued ID proof, and your PAN card.

We also need your Power of Attorney, a written statement, which allows us to file your trademark renewal application on your behalf. Besides, you have to provide a TM-A application copy, as you have previously filed the application with the Registry.

Filing your application

Our trademark agents will carefully examine your documents and file the TM renewal application. In this step, we will fill out and submit your TM-R form with some relevant documents.

Wait for the renewal process

After we have submitted your application and the Registry has verified your documents, we will update you about the confirmation message. It may take 4 to 5 months to receive the confirmation message from the Registrar. After receiving the message, you can legally use your trademark for the next 10 years.

Why do you need trademark renewal?

• Continue protecting your brand and provide legal rights to use it.
• Renewal ensures that your trademark remains registered.
• It enables you to use the trademark without legal issues
• Your website and online assets will be safe from cybercriminals.
• Allow you to gain customer trust and loyalty.

So, if your trademark expiry date is approaching, contact our professionals.
Our agents also help you restore your trademark. You can re-register your trademark if the Registrar removed it from the database for non-use and other reasons. You will need to pay the government-prescribed fee and our minimal service charge. We will then manage the process on your behalf.

If you want to learn more about the renewal of trademark after expiry, you can contact us for details. Our professionals will simplify the process for you.

Call for appointment @ +919871729864
(Mon – Sat : 8AM to 5PM, Sunday : Closed)

We are committed to render best services

We have a team of consultants to guide you
through the registration process.

Good work carried out by the firm in getting the trademark registrations in a time bound manner. We have already got three trade marks registered and more than 5 are in process.
Dinesh Malik Icon
Dinesh Malik
Very satisfied using the services of this firm for more than eight years. Excellent in secretarial compliances, trademarks and audit works.
Manuj Sharma Icon
Manuj Sharma
Excellent services! They are very professional, diligent and pay attention to detail. The best that dealt with. Highly recommended.
Kuljeet Singh Kohli PNG
Kuljeet Singh Kohli

You will learn more from Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about applying for Trademark Registration. 

  • It confers the service/product owner the right to use the mark.
  • It ensures brand association and recognition
  • It facilitates and grows your business
  • It ensures the identity of the service provider/product owner.
  • It enables consumers to verify the quality and authenticity of the product.
  • You will save energy and time.
  • You will feel confident that the application process will go on smoothly.
  • If you find any legal issues, our consultants will come to your help. We have partnered with trademark attorneys to help you efficiently.
  • Our rapid turnaround time will prevent you from missing a deadline.

Trademark registration is vital for every business to showcase a brand’s unique identity. With a registered trademark, you can win the loyalty and trust of your customers. At the same time, your brand name will have legal protection.
  • Fill out a form- We help you fill out the relevant details in a questionnaire. Moreover, our consultants will tell you about the documents you need for this process.
  • File your trademark registration- Our professionals will instruct you on how to file your trademark application properly.
  • Get the receipt – Now, Trademark Registry will give you a receipt immediately on filing the form electronically.
Our trademark registration consultants are ready to solve your queries. Our affordable services will benefit you a lot. For any trademark-related issues, we provide the best solution.
Applying to safeguard your trademark seems to be easy. But, the truth is that trademark search or registration is the job of a specialist. Our consultants know about the formalities to be maintained in the process. So, leave the trademark registration process to our team. An improperly presented application can result in rejection. To avoid this risk, you can connect with our consultants and get our services.
Our highly trained trademark consultants will advise you on how to fulfill every requirement. Moreover, we are aware of the laws related to this process. Our team is also efficient in doing trademark research and finding a suitable one for your business.


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JSR Marketing Solutions

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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